The Ventilator Challenge UK Project - Whiteley Brooks Engineering

The Ventilator Challenge UK Project

Whiteley Brooks has been working with one of the world’s most iconic motorsport companies as part of the Ventilator Challenge UK Project.

We usually supply high-quality precision engineering parts for motor sport, medical, automotive, defence, diesel testing and new technologies sectors. Our high-profile within the industry led to McLaren Racing getting in touch and asking us to work alongside them on the programme to provide ventilators for the NHS during Covid-19 – on the same day the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Growth Hub asked us to get involved too!

“It has been a great opportunity to highlight the diversification abilities of our 35-strong staff as well as the adaptability of the machinery.”

“We have been involved in motorsport for over 40 years and we have built great relationships with teams involved in the industry.

“The Growth Hub is always ringing and emailing to check how we are getting on during the Coronavirus and mentioned the Ventilator Challenge UK project and so did McLaren Racing, which was part of a consortium to accelerate production of medical ventilators, because of our strong business reputation.

“We were more than happy to take part because we have such large capacity at our premises in terms of machinery and it felt like we were doing something for the greater good.

“This was 100 per cent the right decision having had an opportunity to help in this terrible time.

“It was quite a long process providing the quotes and sourcing the materials because we needed large quantities. Eirinn Turner, another director, worked day and night to ensure our manufacturing facility was used at an optimum.

“We were able to provide considerable quantities of parts and our staff worked all available hours including nights and weekends to fulfil the order.

“It was good to have been part of the Ventilator Challenge UK project and to use our machines and knowledge to help other people while they are seriously ill in hospitals.”

Jat Purewal, Director

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Ventilator Challenge UK
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