About Whiteley Brooks
Established in 1965 by Ken Whiteley and Stan Brooks, Whiteley Brooks Engineering has always maintained a commitment to producing high quality machined components. Since its formation the Company has kept at the forefront of technological development enabling it to take advantage of modern machining methods and practices.
Drawing on our experience at Whiteley Brooks Engineering, we are justifiably proud of our ability to satisfy both the delivery and quality demands required by our customers in the 21st century. Drawing on this experience we are in a position to work with our customers in the development of their products and can offer advice and help in ‘Design For Manufacturing’.
One Stop Shop
While the core business of Whiteley Brooks Engineering is in CNC Milling, CNC Turning and Grinding we consider ourselves a ‘One Stop Shop’ for the majority of engineering requirements. Whiteley Brooks have an extensive Supplier Base that we can rely on to provide the services that we are unable to offer ‘In House’.
We can out-source such processes as:
- Heat Treatment
- Coating and Plating
- Anodising
- Wire and Spark Eroding
- Gear Cutting
- Shot-Peening
- Super-Finishing
We are happy to use our Customer’s preferred suppliers or to use suppliers from our own Approved Supplier List.

We were looking for a partner to carry out our precision machining operations and had been recommended to contact Whiteley Brooks. Our clients demand a service that delivers in accordance with their Quality requirements, with the added challenge of fast turnaround. We’ve worked with Whiteley Brooks for some time now and trust their ability to deliver to spec and on time. We also like their ability to partner in the design and setup of the machining process and find their Engineers very easy to work with.